Spoiler Alert! If you do not want to know who makes it (and who does not) to the final 36 on American Idol, then stop reading now! While this may or may not be an exact list, it comes from a reputable source and it is likely very close to the final list. It is becoming known that the top 36 have already been chosen and most folks on the web agree that this list is legit.
Still here? Okay, here is the list of supposed contestants from American Idol season 8 that have made it to the top 36:
Adam Lambert, Alexander Wagner-Trugman, Alexis Grace, Allison Iraheta, Ann Marie Boskovich, Anoop Desai, Arianna Ayesha Afsar, Brent Keith,
Casey Carlson, Danny Gokey, Jackie Tohn, Jasmine Murray, Jeanine Vailes, Jessica Langseth, Joanna Pacitti, Jorge Nunez, Junot Joyner, Kai Kalama, Kendall Beard, Kristen McNamara, Kris Allen, Lil Rounds, Matt Breitzke, Matt Giraud, Megan Corkrey , Michael – no last name was given, Mishavonna Henson, Nate McGee , Nick Western, Ricky Braddy, Scott MacIntyre, Stephen Fowler, Stevie Wright, Taylor Vaifanua, Tatiana Del Toro, Von Smith
Just in case you missed it, Casey Carlson appears to have made it to the top 36 in American Idol 8! We are only a few days away from knowing for sure, but based on what Casey showed us last time she was on the stage, I am confident that Casey has made it in!